Saturday, March 3, 2012

Candy Chemistry

Last Saturday the girls and I attended Candy Chemistry, a girl scout program that centered on all different forms of sugar!! It was a fun program and I will never look at candy the same way again. Oh, the fun you can have with candy. Did you know that you can watercolor paint with the dye from Skittles? Or crush dum dum suckers to make stained glass candy? And, there was a LOT of chocolate dipping going on. I had to snatch a few of the chocolate treats for myself!!

Here's a fun little observation. Drop a handful of M&Ms and Skittles into a glass of water. Wait about 10 minutes and discover something cool! The ink that prints the white "m" and "s" is edible, but not water soluble, so you should have little "m"s and "s"s floating in your water. 

The girls' favorite part of the day was dropping Mentos into a 2-liter bottle of pop. A pop geyser. It is fun to watch, but if you are the Mentos dropper, make sure you are quick on your feet. 

: ) I love any program that makes science and discovery fun, and this was definitely fun!

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