Sunday, June 3, 2012

Eli's First Haircut

I LOVED Eli's curls, but the time had come for Eli's first haircut. First of all, I would like to tell you that Eli is not fond of the clippers. This was a challenge which spanned several days. Actually, he still needs a little snip here and there. Hopefully as he gets older he will enjoy the clippers more so he'll sit still for a haircut! Now that his hair is trimmed up, he looks dashingly handsome, but more like a little boy than a baby. Sniff, sniff. Megan and Emily were sad to say good-bye to his baby curls. So, this is how it turned out. 



And this one is a shot of his tonsils. He has become such a "ham" for the camera, making silly faces and posing. The cool thing about this photo is that we realize how much smaller Eli's tonsils are than Megan's were before she had them removed. Hopefully that means he will keep his!!  
: )

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