Sunday, December 16, 2012

One Family, One Purpose

This week, Matthew and I took the family to serve One Family One Purpose on their house build in Thurman, IA. If you haven't checked out the progress, you can view it here:

Matthew helped hang drywall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. What a great way to serve, and what a blessing to Sandy's family! 

Family Photos

Ok, we wanted some outdoor photos. I love them. It just happened to be a windy day, so all of us (with the exception of Matthew) have wind-blown hair. I forgot to apply lipstick. Eli would NOT even crack a smile for the camera -- wouldn't even respond to my desperate bribery. What a reminder that life is unpredictable no matter how much planning you put into it! But, I love our family more than anything. They are my VERY favorite people in the world, and I am thankful to have such special photos!

Spending Time with Grandma

My grandma came and spent a week with us, and we kept her busy! Here are some photos from our week with Grandma!

Grandma Tea Party

We were blessed to host a tea party for three of the girls' grandmas. It was a fun time spent with such dear family members. Here are a few photos from our special tea party!

Card Night

While my grandma was spending a week with us, we had a card night. Our friend Anna came over and taught us a new version of Rummy called Garbage Rummy. It was so much fun! We started the night with tacos, then Oreo cake and then played cards until we were all ready for bed. And, in the end, Megan came out the winner. We are looking forward to more card nights!!

Lighted Christmas Parade

This year LaHarpe had a lighted Christmas parade. The weather was really nice, so we went out to see the lights. It was so much fun and, although my photos don't capture it, the floats were very nice! Here are just a few of the floats we saw.

Thanksgiving 2012

This year we spent Thanksgiving with Matthew's sister and family in Tennessee. I had to show you all the AMAZING turkey my brother-in-law, Jeremy, baked. It had so much amazing flavor and was so tender and juicy! The food was great, and Megan and Rachel made some special crafts for the special day. Time with family is always be cherished!!

The girls made place cards and napkin rings. The tables were so fun, with their handmade decorations!!

The turkey must have worked!! This boy was out fast!