Monday, August 13, 2012

Our First Morning in Branson

I am still trying to catch up on life since vacation and Vacation Bible school have wrapped up. So, here are more vacation photos. This is our first morning in Branson. Of course, Eli and I were the first of our group to meet the morning. As we were getting ready for an early walk, Emily woke up and got dressed so she could join us. We walked up to the store and got milk for our breakfast. By the time we finished our walk, Megan, Josiah, Jeff and Matthew were up and ready to play. We walked up to the playground and burned off some energy! 

Our morning finished with our own church service, put on by the kids. Josiah led worship songs, Emily  read a "sermon" and Megan passed out communion (oyster crackers and grape juice). They had a lot of fun being responsible for our morning worship and it was great! 

So, that was our first morning, and the fun had only begun!! What a memorable trip!

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