Friday, May 24, 2013

Signs of Summer

Aren't they a cute couple. We love watching these two lovebirds flirt under our Chinese elm trees!

Watermelon. This one was store-bought, but I can't wait until we have watermelon to pick from the garden!

We spend time each day working with our 4-H fair projects. This is Love, and she looks less than thrilled to be on the lead rope. But don't let her fool you -- she loves the attention!

Popsicles on the porch swing. You can't see her, but our dog, Essie, is sitting nearby, waiting for any drips to reach the porch. Even the dog likes a good popsicle!

Eli doesn't wait for me to change him into his swimwear -- he just jumps in. All the time. I can't tell you how many changes of clothes we go through!

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