Thursday, May 16, 2013

Here, Chicken, Chicken!!

We were so excited to receive the invitation from a friend to come see their chicken operation. This trip fueled Emily's desire to raise chickens. We all learned a lot about these birds, and I think it would be a lot of fun to start a small chicken operation.

We started with the hens. They are absolutely beautiful. There are 14 hens, and together they lay between 6 and 8 eggs a day. While we were standing in the hen shelter, one hen jumped up into the bucket roost, and we hoped to see an egg when she hopped down. No luck. 

Sam is so good with the hens and chicks. It seems she has a love for animals too! If she and Emily disappeared, we could find them either with the hens or the chicks. I regret that I didn't get a photo of Jacqueline. The girls played so well together, and we are looking forward to getting together again.

Here is a really cool hen roost! Unfortunately, this poor hen could not get any privacy to lay her egg. One hen has developed a bad habit of breaking eggs. This hen looks awfully suspicious. 

Emily wants to hold every animal she encounters. It didn't bother her that just seconds before this photo, the hen was flapping her wings and getting upset. One of Emily's life ambitions is to study veterinary science. She is compelled to animals, and is gifted with taming them!

These chicks are only 3 weeks old, and already getting their feathers. 

Although we weren't in the hen shelter when an egg was laid, Emily and Sam checked a few hours later and there were four eggs to collect. One was still warm! 

I would love to have farm fresh eggs every morning. I would love to have 40 frozen chickens in the freezer. Maybe someday . . .

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