Friday, December 6, 2013

"We Need to Go Shopping!"

I've heard this sentence a few times today. It has nothing to do with buying Christmas gifts, but it is all about groceries. 

We are scraping the bottom of the barrel here. The cupboards are getting pretty bare, and the refrigerator is virtually empty. Our meals are getting creative. 

Emily, who really dislikes shopping, has asked several times if we can go tomorrow. That's how bad it is!!

Oh, no worries. We have a freezer full of meat, half a gallon of milk, and lots of crackers. And, we are good on condiments. But, the kids are really starting to notice that we need to go shopping.

The sad thing is that we take for granted that there is always an abundance of healthy food in the house. Some families struggle to serve three meals a day. It has been a fun challenge to see what I can come up with, but I have a feeling it would not be so much fun day after day. 

We have truly never felt hunger -- true hunger. We have never prayed for a bowl of rice and beans to feed our children, just enough that they wouldn't feel the pain of hunger. We have never had to make truly tough choices in order to keep our children from the brink of malnutrition. We have been blessed!

Tomorrow, we will probably end this shortage of groceries in our house, and return to a normal loosely-planned menu. But I am thankful that we experienced a few days of a food shortage. I am glad that we opened the cupboard doors to disappointment. We need to be reminded once in a while that we have SO much. And be reminded to give to those who don't.

My cup overflows.
Psalm 23:5

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.
Proverbs 19:17

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