Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Don't Forget to Stop and Enjoy the Tea Party

There is something special about little girls and their tea parties. I don't know if it is the special treats, or drinking out of ridiculously small teacups, and pouring from ridiculously small teapots (both of which need constantly refilled.) Maybe it is the way they dress up and plan with anticipation. Or the way they talk to each other with sophisticated, hushed little voices and create the most pleasant conversations.

We have a lot of tea parties, and they are not "ladies only" tea parties (where there is food, there is Eli)! This conversation at this particular tea party was centered around ear piercings. Juice filled and refilled the cups, and lots of snacks were piled onto tiny little plates. But the pure, simple joy in a quick little afternoon snack break was immeasurable!

It is so easy to get busy with everyday life to neglect these little events that make every day special. It doesn't take long to set out some snacks and serve them on fancy plates. Thirty minutes at the park can make a day the best! Taking a walk will refresh you! It doesn't have to be fancy, expensive or take an entire afternoon. How do kids spell "love?" TIME!

Don't forget to make every day special, and make everyone in your day feel special!

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