Friday, December 20, 2013

All I Want for Christmas . . .

Not too long ago someone asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I am never ready for a question like that. Honestly, I don't want much. I like lots of things, but don't want many things.

After much thought I have finally thought of two things that I REALLY would like. 

First -- a van detailing, for four reasons.
1. I like a clean vehicle.
2. We have children.
3. Our garage is not heated.
4. I dislike the cold.

The other thing is time. Time. That's it! 

I love being with our fabulous children. They are so much fun, and I treasure my time with them. After 10 years of parenting and 4 years of home schooling I have so many unfinished projects and remodeling dreams. Hobbies have fallen by the wayside. My booklist continues to grow. Time alone with that wonderful husband is rare, and shopping alone is a daydream.

I don't think I am the only mom who would love "time." I would be thrilled with the gift of 3 hours a month to do whatever I want with! Is that selfish? Unrealistic?

Sometimes the most meaningful gifts cannot be wrapped with fine ribbons. Sometimes they don't burden the bank account. Sometimes they are just . . . thoughtful.

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