Friday, December 20, 2013

Noodles on our Tree!!!

When we got married, we had a beautiful angel on top of our Christmas tree. She held two lights -- one in each hand. She had a delicate face and wore a fancy dress. She was beautiful.

This is what has topped our tree for 5 years. It is a piece of cardboard, a toilet paper tube, noodles and gold spray paint. 

Emily made it in pre-school. 

The girls ask for this star every year! They could care less about a perfectly decorated tree. They love the homemade ornaments as much as any perfectly manufactured ornaments. 

They make me stop and appreciate contentment.

And a funny little story about our sweet Emily. When she was four, she really got into the Christmas tree. She loved hanging things on it. She loved rearranging the ornaments. Did I mention that she loved hanging things on it? She hung all of her Sunday school projects on it. I thought this was cute behavior until I walked by the tree and saw a foreign object on the tree. It caught my eye. I stopped, not believing that she had hung a PAIR OF HER UNDERWEAR ON THE TREE! Ah, sweet Emily!

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