Tuesday, May 10, 2011


We were getting groceries last week and Megan saw a fruit she didn't recognize. Actually, I didn't recognize it either. We checked the label and discovered that we had found kumquats. We had heard of kumquats before, but never knew exactly what they were. I have always been an advocate of trying new foods and broadening your culinary options, so I told her we could try them. We got them home and anxiously tried them. If you have never tried a kumquat, I'll describe them to you. They are, in my opinion, the perfect combination of sweet and sour. The outer peel is sweet and the inside is very sour. Emily is not fond of them. Megan prefers hers peeled, leaving only the sour part. Then she slowly (I emphasize "slowly") sucks the sour juice out of the flesh. Matthew and I love popping them into our mouths. So, if you see kumquats in your local produce section and you enjoy sour foods, give them a try!

Megan SLOWLY sucking the juice out of her kumquat.

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