Thursday, May 5, 2011

Celebrating the Empty Tomb -- and an Empty Space in Megan's Mouth!

The girls loved putting out these eggs, collecting them in a basket and then re-hanging them. They really wanted to get some chicks this spring and raise them, but I'm wondering how long the excitement would last before taking care of chickens would become a mundane chore.

The girls got these cute eggs during Children's Church on Easter Sunday. They had to crack the tops off and water them. Hopefully, soon, we will see beautiful flowers sprouting!

Bunny magnets they made at Girl Scouts.

This was a fun craft we did, that took a lot longer to complete than I thought it would! I printed out a drawing of an Easter egg, and cut out small squares of tissue paper. Then the girls would wrap a piece of the tissue paper around the eraser on the end of a pencil, dip it in glue and glue it to the paper. They worked so hard on them, and had a lot of fun. Originally I had planned this for our Sunday school class (2-, 3- & 4-year olds) but decided that it took too long to complete and required a longer attention span than can be expected from such young ones. Emily worked 2 hours on hers, and I helped Megan finish hers. They were so proud of them once they were finished!

Megan's colorful tissue paper egg

Palm Sunday palms. How much fun Emily and Megan had waving their palm branches to celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry. What a fun day to begin the week leading up to Easter. 

Of course, we colored eggs. We had a tie-dye kit (Emily is very much into tie-dye right now) and they had fun dying their hands as well as the eggs! What a pretty bunch of eggs we ended up with! 
We got the girls each a new classic book for Easter. For Emily, we chose "Anne of Green Gables" and for Megan we chose "Alice in Wonderland." They dove right into their new books, and I think Emily has read Anne three times already since Easter and Megan is almost finished with Alice. 
This is one of my Easter crafts. I covered plastic eggs (which we always seem to have an overabundance of) with origami paper and a few coats of Mod Podge. Then I strung them on floral wire and shaped them into a wreath. I was going to add a bow, but decided to add more eggs because it seemed small over the fireplace. So, I'll pack it away with the Easter decorations for now and finish it next spring!! I love the variety of colors!

After Sunday School on Easter Sunday Megan came into our classroom to wait with us while parents picked up their children from our class, as she usually does. She had a tooth that was just dangling, but she was hesitant to accept assistance in removing the tooth. All of a sudden she had a big smile, and a tiny tooth in her hand. She was so excited to lose her first tooth, and was all giggles walking to the sanctuary. She has discovered that the "hole" in her once-perfect row of bottom teeth makes a great place to stick a straw or a sucker stick!

It's hard to see, but to our surprise, there was already a permanent tooth growing in!

First lost tooth! Of course, she stuck the lost tooth in her tooth fairy pillow before bed and in the morning, the tooth was gone and a shiny $1 coin was in her pillow. I convinced her that I did not go back up to her room after saying good-night the night before (which I didn't -- Matthew played the tooth fairy for the first time ever!!), she came to the conclusion that God had changed her tooth into a $1 coin! How cute! 
I always loved picking out the frilly, cute Easter dresses for the girls, but every year it is a struggle to get them into them because the really cute and frilly ones also tend to be "itchy" and they don't like them. So, we end up spending too much money for a dress that gets worn once. This year, I decided to give up the battle and let the girls pick out something they like. Here they are their selections.

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