Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just Got My Ears Pierced

We just opened up a whole new world of accessories for our sweet 7-year old! She was THRILLED to get her ears pierced this afternoon, and is already thinking about what new earrings she wants to get. She picked out the cutest little rainbow daisy earrings. Megan was going to get her ears pierced also, but after witnessing Emily acquire two new holes in her lobes, she decided to wait a bit longer. No hurry!


  1. I was 7 when I got mine. Old enough to make the choice and have the responsibility!

  2. She has done so well being responsible for cleaning her ears. I think it was the right age too!

  3. How cute! Macy got hers done last month, only because she wanted them "so" bad. Her cousin, Lilly, got hers done, so she had to have them done too. She was so determined about it that she just held that teddy bear tight and didn't even shed a tear! I was shocked! Ellie at 5 even cried a little. She sang "I love my earrings" all the way home.
    Michele Powell
