Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Here are some of the beautiful flowers I got for Mother's Day this year. I am NOT the best gardener, but love to add color to the yard and around the house. My favorite color is orange, so I was thrilled to receive some beautiful orange flowers this year. 

Emily and Megan love to pick flowers for me. So, the kitchen is usually full of the aroma of freshly picked flowers. Emily and Megan made the small vases at Girl Scouts. Emily painted and potted the pink flower in Sunday school for Mother's Day. What a cheerful reminder when I am working in the hot kitchen of how loved I am. : )


  1. Pretty flowers. My mom gave me the love of gardening. My yard is abundant in flowers. I have started to fill my house too...which may not go over well with my son's pollen allergy :)

  2. Isn't it fun to add color? I wish I were better at my flower beds. I guess I specialize in our vegetable garden, but I try to have a vision for the flowers! Now if only I could keep the dog from trampling everything I plant . . .
