Friday, August 19, 2011

Random Snapshots of Eli

It is amazing how quickly 2 months goes by. It is amazing how much a little guy can grow and change in 2 months! At his 2 month checkup he was ALMOST 12 lbs!! It is amazing how much more we fall in love with him each day. Eli is so alert now, and quick with a smile and giggle (although he isn't sure about the camera yet so it is a challenge to record this). He has found his hands and tries to use them to push things in his mouth. He loves to blow bubbles , so some days he gets called "Mr. Bubbles." One of his favorite times of the day is bath time. He LOVES water. Of course, his dad and I adore him, and I even appreciate the quiet time I spend alone at 4 a.m. He truly is -- to his mom -- the World's Greatest Alarm Clock!! (Thanks to some great friends for an adorable shirt!!) Emily and Megan love to make Eli smile. They love to shower him with attention every minute he is awake. They love to read books to him, and sometimes he is attentive to their reading for half an hour!! He is truly a blessing from God, as all children are. We love you, Eli David.

After bathtime, waiting for me to dress him

World's Cutest Alarm Clock

Emily rocking Eli to sleep for his afternoon nap

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