Friday, August 12, 2011

Megan Finishes Her Sixth Orbit Around the Sun!!

We feel blessed to have Megan. She is full of joy, energy and love. She gives the BEST hugs and has a heart for those hurting. One of my favorite things about Megan is the way she prays. She is so sincere and prays with purpose. I love it!

Megan is under the impression that she is the Birthday Girl until Christmas Eve, when she passes the "birthday baton" to Jesus! Her birthday was on August 4. She asked for birthday pancakes, and we put candles in her pancake and sang "Happy Birthday" to her. Then she wanted candles in her sandwich at lunch and we sang again. Then she put a candle in her grape!!! I have come to the conclusion that there aren't too many foods that a slender stick of burning wax cannot be stuck into. We went out for pizza (our family tradition) at Rondavoo's in Burlington. She had a great birthday. 

Megan and her birthday pancake ...

and her birthday grape!!
She received a birthday cake Play-Doh set as a gift from Uncle Jeffrey, Aunt Melissa, Evan and Will. The girls have had a blast making cakes and pies with it.
Thanks for a fun gift!!

Her first birthday celebration was at my sister's house on Sunday before her birthday. My sister and her family, one of my brothers and his family, and my parents were there. We went to church together to see Lissa baptized, and swam at Mary's house. Mary made Megan a delicious ice cream cake. What a fun way to celebrate!

Aunt Mary made Megan an ice cream cake. 

And, her last birthday party was at Going Bonkers in Quincy this past Sunday. She had a great time playing with her friends and cousins. Thanks to everyone who made Megan feel so special during her "birthday week." We have loved celebrating her, but have to declare that Megan's "birthday week" has finally ended ... until next year!!

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