Sunday, August 7, 2011

Eli's First "Chlorine Bath!!"

We always have fun swimming at my sister's house. Last weekend we got together at her house and, after lunch, had some splash time. It was Eli's first swim. He LOVED it. And, please don't make tease him about his mom making him wear his onesie in the pool. I don't want to risk sunburning his perfectly soft 7-week old skin!! And I am positive I'll embarrass him much more in the coming years by kissing his sweet cheeks in front of his friends. Anyway, he loved the pool and it was fun to watch him float around. I was not surprised because he loves bathtime. It is one of his favorite times of day. 

Emily taught herself to do a somersault underwater and asked Matthew to throw her through the air, after seeing her cousins be tossed into the deep end of the pool. Megan cruised around in a floatie, basking in the warmth of the sun. Our niece and nephew are fish, all over the pool! 

We had supper, and after supper the kids got back in the pool. I'm not sure when they would get out of the pool if we didn't make them. Thanks, Mary and Jeff, for a great afternoon and evening of fun!

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