Sunday, August 14, 2011

Family Run

We all ran in the Blandinsville Farmer's Picnic races this morning. Emily, Megan, Eli and I ran the 1-mile race, and Matthew ran the 4-mile race. The girls did great and I am so proud of them for finishing the race. Of course, we were among the last to finish, but we finished! It was their first race of any distance, and I am confident that in 10 years I won't be able to keep up with them!! They liked it so much that they want to sign up for the 1-mile race in Stronghurst on Labor Day. The girls also ran the kid's race, and here are some photos from the morning. After the race, they rode in the parade. WOW! What a busy morning.

This afternoon we met up with some friends from college. It was so good to see everyone and have all our children play together. We had great food, and had fun hiking at Lake Argyle as well as playing yard games. The weather couldn't have been any nicer for our picnic. What a great way to end the summer vacation.

Funny story that happened after we got home. After the girls took their baths, Megan found a tick. Matthew (our fearless tick-smasher) smashed and disposed of the crawly little guy. I explained to Megan that her tick was far easier to find than little deer ticks. Last summer we unknowingly disturbed a nest of deer ticks and I had over 100 of the tiny ticks on me. So, she asked how small deer ticks are. Matthew grabbed my ankle and pointed to a mole and said, "As small as this mole." I thought for a moment, then realized that I had never had a mole at that spot before. Upon further inspection we realized that Matthew had pointed out an actual deer tick. There were three on my ankle. Those little things love me!

Stretching Together

More stretching

All buckled in and ready to roll.

Here we come!

Emily running toward the finish.

The finish line is in sight!

My handsome husband finishing his four miles.

Lining up for the kid's race.

The parade. Emily never did see us, but Megan waved, and waved, and waved.

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