Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WIU Homecoming 2012, part 1

Well, homecoming always falls at a busy time of year for us, but since we are not far from Macomb, we usually try to participate in a few events. It was a very chilly, breezy morning so we bundled up and took our place on the sidelines as Matthew ran the 5k, finishing 4th overall. The Alumni House served hot chocolate and doughnuts as we waited for the race results. 

Matthew left after the race to get home to work and the kids and I stuck around for the parade. We met up with one of my dear college friends, Rhonda, and her family. It was so much fun!! So, here is the first part of WIU homecoming.

Matthew and Eli shortly after finishing the race.
Our friend, Brian, finishing strong!!

It finally warmed up for the parade!!!

Me and Rhonda!! 

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