Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Off to Work

Matthew decided to finish a bean field on Sunday. It is a rare occasion that he jumps up after Sunday lunch and goes to work, but he knew the field would only take him a few hours so he decided to get it done. It happened to be a perfect opportunity (since he would not be working more than a few hours and since he was close to the house) for Eli to put in some time in the truck and combine (a.k.a. naptime!!!). 

The only problem now is that Eli has had a taste of combine and every morning since Sunday he has screamed when Matthew has left for work. Matthew picks Eli up to hug him good-bye, and Eli wraps his little arm around Matthew's neck, turns and looks at me and uses his free hand to wave good-bye to me. And then the screaming begins as I have to pull him away from his daddy. You can only imagine how much time we have spent the last week sitting on equipment in the sheds. This boy cannot get enough of tractors and four-wheelers. 

Proud Dad!!  
I guess if you wear a shirt that says, "Come Follow Me" then you attract a following!!
We were walking down to pick up the truck. I love it that the girls run around in their Sunday dresses and flip flops. I also love that Megan throws on a hat to be like her dad. : )

Megan rode back in the truck with Matthew.

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