Friday, August 17, 2012

Trout, Trout, and More Trout

While we were in the Branson area, my aunt recommended that we check out the Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatcherythe largest trout production facility in the Missouri Department of Conservation trout production program. We spent a few hours learning more than I could imagine about trout. It actually was very cool.

The hatchery typically produces 1,125,000 catchable trout annually, raising rainbow trout and brown trout. That's a LOT of fish, and a LOT of work goes into raising all those fish. 

This is a male trout. Want to know how you can tell? Males develop a "hook" on their lower jaws.

These are the raceways that contain the fish at different stages of growth. Their water temperature must be carefully controlled, and the raceways must be covered with netting to prevent herons from feasting on the fish.

One of the kids' favorite parts of this trip was feeding the fish. Here is Emily watching the fish swarm her tasty treats!

We were feeding a group of fish in this natural raceway when we realized how close they will come to you. The kids (and Matthew) tried to catch a trout. 
A lot of hands got wet. A lot of contact was made with the scales. But, the fish were too fast to become our dinner. 

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