Monday, August 27, 2012

The "Ziegler" Orchard

A few weeks ago Matthew's cousin, Annetta, called to see if we wanted to pick apples from their trees. They had an abundance and were thoughtful to offer. We couldn't pass up good apples because we love homemade applesauce. It was fun visiting their "orchard" and picking the fresh fruit. We picked enough apples to make three batches of applesauce, and I should use the last of the apples tomorrow. Each of the children, with their different personalities, took on different roles. Once Emily saw Annetta climb the tree to reach some of the higher branches, she started climbing and found a nice perch. Megan was the help from the ground. She would empty the filled bucket of apples into our picnic basket and then return the bucket to the "pickers." Eli, sweet Eli, loves apples. He was a taste tester! Thank you Rowen and Annetta for the fresh apples, and a fun time picking. What a blessing!!

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