Friday, September 7, 2012

Treasure the Differences

I have wonderful memories of meeting our sweet Emily for the first time, and dreaming of how much fun it would be to have a little girl in the house. I pictured tea parties and frilly dresses, and cute hair bows and lots and lots of manicure sessions. 

The first few years were like I imagined, but then her personality emerged and she realized that tea parties are ok, but a picnic on top of the doghouse is better. Frilly dresses are overrated and not to be worn without whining for a minimum of 30 minutes. She learned that (despite how many times I told her how adorable her hair looked) she could take out any cute hair bows, braids or buns. 

Then we welcomed our second gift from God -- Megan. She never tires of twirling in her dresses, and loves her tights. Pink and purple are her hues of choice. She wants to be the cheerleader, and asks Daddy if she looks pretty all dressed up for church. Let's dress up like princesses and have a tea party. 

Two girls. Very different. And I treasure their differences.

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