Friday, September 21, 2012

School, Week 5

Well, week 5 is officially finished, and I am excited that we have fallen into a comfortable routine. Even Eli is getting more accustomed to our schedule and enjoys sitting at the table with us for periods at a time, playing with a toy or sharing a snack. He always cracks us up when he flings his little hand in the air to answer a question. He loves to be part of the action.

Both girls have really gotten into Bible study and memorize a new passage of Scripture each week. Last year we learned the books of the Bible in order, so occasionally we brush up on those to make sure we haven't lost them. History has proved to be interesting as we are studying the discovery and settlement of North America. The girls have always been fascinated with Native Americans, so they love the stories of how the Native Americans helped the new settlers. 

Both girls are zipping through their math studies, and I am already placing an order for their second set of math textbooks and workbooks. The books are intended to last a semester, but they have devoured the lessons. 

We have already enjoyed several field trips and explored some great literature. Each of the girls has read several biographies for our biography unit, studying Amelia Earhart and Helen Keller. Now they are reading adventure books and have really enjoyed them. A huge thanks to one of our greatest resources -- our public library -- for filling our many, many literature requests!!

My prayer is that we continue to have a great time together learning. Children TRULY are a blessing from the Lord, and I cherish every day that we have together. The time together is totally worth all the sacrifices.

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