Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Don't Forget the Flouride!!

Every Friday afternoon, we have a couple of homeschool friends join us for Book Club. We are reading through The Mouse and the Motorcycle (which I nicknamed M&M). We have different activities and snacks and worksheets and puzzles each week to go along with each chapter. One week, we talked about how important dental hygiene is. We did a simple experiment to see what liquids stain our teeth most. I boiled four eggs and let them soak in four different beverages: coffee, tea, grape juice and root beer. 

We brushed the eggs with toothpaste, and even baking soda, to get the eggshells as white as we could. Each girl recorded the procedure for the experiment and their hypothesis and then we got to work. 

The results surprised us all! Scroll down to see which beverage is the worst offender when it comes to coloring your teeth!
From left to right: root beer, tea, coffee, grape juice

The "tea" egg

The "coffee" egg

The "root beer" egg

The "grape juice" egg 
And the results: the root beer egg was the whitest, and the easiest to clean. Coffee stained slightly more than tea did, and grape juice was the worst! So, drink your coffee, juice or tea, but don't forget to brush!!

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