Friday, September 7, 2012

What You See at Wal-Mart

During a frustrating string of trips to Wal-Mart to replace the battery in our home phone (which eventually  resulted in buying a new telephone) I saw two young men whose faith denomination was displayed by their clothing choice. No, they were not Amish, although we see them often in Macomb. They were Latter Day Saints. Clean-cut young men, with white shirts and a small book tucked neatly in their shirt pockets. They were very amiable with impeccable manners. 

It seems like EVERYTHING makes me reflect on the goodness of God and His work in my life, and my daily shortcomings and failures. And, although I do not share the same faith as these young men, I desired to be more like them in one way -- I want to be passionate about my God. Am I? I know I once was, and shared God's love. Have I gotten so busy that I am neglecting the Great Commission? Some people (and some denominations) are so proactive about sharing their faith. They make you feel so welcome, no matter who you are or where you came from. They give you hope, the way Jesus gave hope to the people least respected in their communities. In Mark 2:17 Jesus said,
 "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Just a thought and a personal challenge to seek out the lost and share hope with them. 

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