Thursday, September 13, 2012

Even Tigers Celebrate

Meet Bogdan, a one-year old tiger at the Brown's Oakridge Zoo in Smithfield, IL. He just turned one and here are photos from his birthday party. We spent the day at the zoo and learned so much about many different animals. One thing we learned is that, like many children at their first birthday party, they may not be overly excited about their first cake! When the zoo owners brought Bogdan his birthday "cake" made of meat, he was much more interested in contorting the baking sheet that it was sitting on than actually eating the cake. It was funny, although very much a tease to his next-door neighbor, a three-year old tiger. This neighboring tiger was not amused that Bogdan got such a special treat, and she paced along his cage and eventually threw a tantrum, striking at the door to her house. 

About an hour after Bogdan was presented with his meaty "cake" we went back to visit him again. He finally started snacking on the treat.  Happy birthday, Bogdan!

Here is the neighboring tiger, finally behaving herself.

These are very rare raccoons. One is an albino raccoon, and the other is a strawberry blond raccoon. It is extremely rare to find these in the wild because if a mother raccoon has offspring this color she will usually dispose of it while young. Seem harsh? If she doesn't get rid of it, she risks her nest being found and losing all of her young. 

Our little people had to stop and play in this fun house. Amazing how kids want to clean someone else's house????

This guy was asking for donations to cover some dental work. Just kidding!! We always love llamas!

 The girls loved feeding the kangaroo grass. 

We had such a fun time, and there were so many more animals than I shared on this blog. They have lions, tigers, cougars, bears, bobcats, donkeys, leopards, coati mundis, a lemur, an owl, an arctic fox, mountain lions, macaws, chinchillas, wolves and pot-bellied pigs.

If you haven't visited this zoo, it is worth the trip. You can check out more at their website:

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