Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

Our first week of school went so well. A few bumps here and there, adjusting to a new schedule, but I think we all had fun learning. 

Before we homeschooled, I wondered what it would be like to have school at home. So, in case you are wondering what we do all day, here is a rough sketch of our day. The day begins with the girls waking up on their own and completing a morning routine of getting dressed, making beds, breakfast, brushing hair and teeth, and completing morning chores. We try to begin at 8:30 a.m., although sometimes life happens and it may be closer to 9 before we sit down to our studies. We always start with a prayer and Bible study where we study a different virtue and work on scripture memorization. Sometimes we play a few rounds of Bible trivia because they love to play.

After Bible study we move on to history. We are studying early American history and the discovery of the Americas. Our history lesson often ties into our geography lesson which is very interactive. Thanks to my parents who gave us a wonderful globe that we use EVERY day! What a valuable resource!

After geography we study a poetry passage. To be honest, I am not a huge fan of poetry. I am trying to expand my appreciation for it, or at least not to prevent the girls from loving it. So we work on a poetry passage each day.

Emily and Megan are working on Cheerful Cursive this year. We only have one workbook, so they lay a transparency over each page and trace their letters on it. It works out great because they can use the pages over and over and over, and it saves me from making countless copies. So, while Megan works on cursive, I work with Emily on math. Then, when Emily finishes her math, she switches to handwriting and I work with Megan on math.  

Usually about this time, everyone is ready for a break and a tummy filler, so we break for a snack (and a diaper change for Eli).

After we regroup, we work on spelling and dictation. Then we try to fit grammar into the morning before it is time to prepare lunch. Sometimes grammar gets bumped to afternoon, and that is ok!

Sometimes the girls want to hang out in the kitchen while I make lunch, and sometimes they need some good old vitamin D and play outside. Sometimes they play with Eli. Sometimes they work on chores they didn't get done before school. Every day is different. : )

After lunch we finish grammar if we need to. And, we have science and literature. We are reading biographies this unit and have gotten some fascinating biographies and learned so much! I try to have an art project each week, and that sometimes falls into the afternoon. Sometimes the girls work on a project while I am preparing lunch.

And that sums it up! A lot of fun! A lot of precious family time! A lot of memories!

Last Monday on our first day of school we took a field trip to Kibbe Museum in Carthage. What a treasure that little museum is! The girls LOVED the collection of geodes and stones. We only had an hour in the FREE museum, and look forward to going back soon. There were so many fascinating displays.

Emily and Megan are laying next to the jawbone of a whale. That is a big jawbone!!

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