Thursday, February 3, 2011

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!!!

This winter I predicted that we were going to have occasional light snows, and no large accumulations. I was wrong. We are used to having large piles of snow hanging around until March, but it usually doesn't all come in the same night. For some of us, it made a lot of extra work. For some of us, an excuse to get out and play in the frigid temperatures. Matthew moved a lot of snow with the tractor, and then, the shovel. We are thankful to Jeffrey for bringing the snow blower over to clear out the driveway. Looking forward to some fun sledding days to come!!

Bales of hay in the barn

Jeffrey with the snowblower clearing the driveway. 

Jeffrey added a little "color" to the trees! The girls thought it was cool to see the snow fly everywhere.

Matthew moving snow.

Emily at the top of the mountain with the boat!!


  1. Wonderful pictures! But I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the snow blower that Jeffrey was using. Tell him I REALLY could have used that in our alley. Would have saved me over 6 hours of shoveling! But I guess I was building character.

  2. WOW! We got ice but not much snow! Hope your are all faring well!

  3. Brian, Matthew's dad bought that snowblower years ago, and it has only been used a few times, as far as Matthew remembers. We rarely get enough snow all at once that it needs to be used, but it comes in handy when it is needed. : )

  4. Sara, I think I'd rather have the snow than ice! I feel for you!
