Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No Use Crying Over Spilled Lasagna

The girls and I were super excited to take a meal over to a friend who had just had their third baby. I called and said we would bring over a lasagna dinner on Tuesday evening. The lasagna smelled delicious and the picnic basket was packed. The lasagna was straight out of the oven, and the pan was slightly larger than my picnic basket, so I laid a cooling rack across the top of the picnic basket and the lasagna pan fit perfectly. The girls were bundled in their winter coats and boots and we were out the door. As usual, I had my hands full but insisted that I could carry it all to the van. I made it halfway to the garage and in an instant the lasagna slid off the cooling rack and onto the sidewalk. It was RUINED, although the dog and cats had a different perspective on the situation. I was saddened. Emily had tears in her eyes. Megan said she was so embarrassed for me.

The next afternoon we fixed another lasagna and I was much more cautious carrying it to the van. It made it safely to its destination and we had such a nice visit with our friends. All's well that ends well, right??

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