Monday, June 13, 2011

Welcome Baby Eli David!

We are so excited to announce that Eli David is here! He is a blessing in every way, and is slowly figuring out that nighttime is for sleeping. He was born on Friday, June 10 at 8:11 p.m. and was our quickest labor and delivery yet -- just short of 2 hours. He weighed 7 lbs., 5 ozs, and 20 inches long. He looks like both of the girls, and Great Grandma Corzatt thinks he looks like Matthew when Matthew was a baby. The girls are so much help to me, and I am amazed at how great they are with him. Praise God for answered prayers and His continued strength and guidance. Here are a few photos to share. 
Emily meets her brother for the first time! 
Megan couldn't be more proud to be a big sister!

She can't stop giving him kisses. So cute.

Resting peacefully. 

Eli looks so much like Megan when she was a baby in this photo. But his hair reminds us of Emily when she was a baby. Emily was excited in this photo because Eli had just opened his eyes. Of course,  I missed that quick moment.

A quiet moment after all our visitors had gone home for the night.

Daddy with Eli. Eli was hungry, so probably not the best time to be taking photos.

Here's our little man. So cuddly!

Ah, the many faces a baby makes. 

Home at last!!


  1. He is so cute!!! Congratulations! What an amazingly short labor & delivery. Yea!!! You must be feeling energetic and rested, so now you can come back to volunteer this Friday and bring your girls and their baby brother with you!! :)

  2. I love your sense of humor, Beth!!! I will bring Eli and the girls in sometime. When will you be back from vacation? Eli is just perfect, and answered prayer. And Emily and Megan adore him and are so much help to me.

  3. Like I was telling Matthew and Jeffrey earlier since Nate has a baby named Eli already, perhaps you could have named this one Peyton to avoid any confusion haha!

  4. Amelia says "Your baby is cute!"
    Heidi says "Glad things went well. Your little one is adorable. Miss you."
