Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day at Aunt Mary's House

Aunt Mary and Uncle Jeff invited us to spend the day with them on Memorial Day. We had so much fun. We had great food, and then the kids couldn't wait to get in the pool. Even though the water was a little cool still, they all had a great time swimming and the pool provided great relief from the hot temperatures. Josiah is a great underwater swimmer and likes to dive from the deep end. Lissa is a FISH! Megan loved cruising in an inner tube and Emily spent most of her time jumping and diving in the deep end and then hustling to the side of the pool! Thanks, Aunt Mary and Uncle Jeff for a great day! We can't wait to see you again soon!

The kids just couldn't resist the pool on a hot day!!
Josiah comes up for air after a long underwater swim!

Megan was attached to this inner tube and just cruised from one end of the pool and back over and over again!

Lissa is great for retrieving toys at the bottom of the deep end. 

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