Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Mother's Prayer for Mother's Day

I clipped this prayer from a newspaper YEARS ago and love to use it as a guideline to pray for our children. I hope it is useful to you too!

Dear God,
I pray for my children that they will . . .

Mirror your image.
     Gal. 4:19
Be vessels of honor.
     Rom. 13:14; Phil. 1:27
Live for you and shun evil.
     I John 3:19
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
     Acts 1:8, 2:4
Always be ready for the rapture.
     Matt. 24:44
Marry dedicated Christians.
     II Cor. 6:14
Have long life and a good marriage.
     Ex. 20:12
Have healthy families.
     III John 2
Be happy serving You.
     Rom. 5:13
Be faithful in tithing and generous in giving.
     Matt. 3:10, II Cor. 8:7
Be successful in their business.
     Deut. 28:1-14
Have all these things.
     Matt. 6:33
Grow in Your word and in wisdom for You.
     Col. 1:9
Come to the grave in full vigor like sheaves gathered in season.
     Job 5:26
Love and know love. 
     John 13:34-35, I John 3:16-19
Live to command the respect of others.
     Isa. 61:9, Matt. 5:16, I Cor. 4:2
Allow Your will to prosper in their lives. 
     Isaiah 53:10, Mark 3:35
Be strong in spirit.
     Luke 1:80
Hunger and thirst after righteousness.
     Matt. 5:6
Have a joy that is complete.
     Duet. 16:15
Have unity between each other and You.
     John 17:23-24
Rule and reign in the millennium.
     Rev. 20:4-6
Walk in the light as He is in the light.
     I John 14:13
Bring You glory today.
     John 14:13
Stand firm in Your will.
     Col. 4:12
Delight in the fear of the Lord.
     Isa. 11:3

Dear God, I pray that you will . . .
Establish the works of their hands.
     Ps. 90:17
Give them wholehearted devotion to You.
     I Chr. 29:19
Keep a vigil over them.
     Ex. 12:42
Give them understanding.
     I Chr. 28-29, Ps. 119:34-73, Luke 24:45
Give them faith that does not fail.
     Luke 22:32
Give them heaven's dew and earth's riches.
     Gen. 27-28
Equip them with everything for doing good.
     Heb. 13:21
Lead them not into temptation, but deliver them from evil.
     Matt. 6:13

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