Thursday, July 10, 2014

Chimney No More!

It was a task Matthew put off for a long time -- for some pretty great reasons: removing an ancient chimney that had been sealed up generations ago. He knew it wouldn't be easy. He knew it wouldn't be fun. But, as the time for a new roof approaches, he knew it was time to get it done.

This turned into a day-long (and evening-long) project. And he only had to remove the top of the chimney to the roof. Eventually the plan is to remove the chimney that runs through the house too and do some interior remodeling. I dare not ask when he plans to tackle that project!

Matthew learned something about old chimneys -- the bricks are two layers thick. The bricks in the outer layer run horizontally and the bricks in the inner layer run vertically, making the structure very solid. The also makes the removal process hard and slow. But, my hero fix-it man defeated the chimney, boarded up the hole that led to the attic and shingled over it.

Thank you for all your hard work, Matthew! 

Now, on to the next project!!!  ;)

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