Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And Where Did February Go???

I cannot believe we have entered a new month already. January and February flew by! For some reason, this year, February was our busiest month so far, with something scribbled on nearly every day of the calendar. Although most everything we did was fun, we enjoy our free time at home together. 

Megan has started taking piano lessons, and I don't have to beg her to practice! She loves practicing her songs. This new interest in the piano has encouraged Emily to practice more, and most every day they compete for time at the keyboard. Now, if only I could get them interested in the laundry room!

Last Saturday the girls attended a fun Daisy Girl Scout event at the high school in Rushville. It was called Daisy Day at the Farm, and the FFA did a great job creating fun farm activities for the girls. Some of their favorite things to do were digging for potatoes and milking a "cow." 

They also loved the petting zoo where they learned more about horses, calves, pigs, chickens, lambs and goats. Did you know that the average chicken lays 300 eggs a year? 

Before leaving the school, the girls had chores to do. They had to ride their tractors down a long hall, carry a feed bucket, climb over a fence, roll a tire, stack "haybales," roll the tire back to the fence, climb back over the fence, carry the feed bucket back to the tractor and ride the tractor back. Their "pay" was a  bag of candy corn!

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