Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Matthew!

We had a birthday in our house on Thursday!! Matthew is inching closer and closer to "40!" We had some visitors from far away join us for his birthday lunch! My Aunt Janice was home from Alaska, so she and my grandma drove up and we had a nice visit. On the menu for his birthday lunch was chicken and noodles, baked mashed potatoes, corn, biscuits, fruit salad and snickers ice cream cake.

Our birthday tradition at our house is to go out for pizza, but Emily and Megan had a Girl Scout meeting that night, so we went out Friday night to one of our favorite pizza restaurants in Macomb -- Larry A's. What a treat to run into Matthew's Aunt Dolores and cousin Amy and her children! 

Happy birthday to the best husband and dad! We love you lots!


  1. Getting closer every year! ha ha! We decided though, that it is true that you are only as old as you feel, so we are still actually in our 20's!
