Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Lesson in Real Estate from a Seven-Year-Old

Well, when Emily asked me and Matthew to play a game of Monopoly with her, I had no idea how it would end. And, when she got excited about purchasing Baltic Avenue and Mediterranean Avenue I thought it was a premature celebration, knowing that they are the "cheapest" properties on the board. I will NEVER underestimate the value of those properties again. It was an embarrassing loss! She popped up houses on those properties faster than ever, and soon had hotels. It also helped that she owned all the railroads and utilities. Emily had started building on Boardwalk and Park Place, but it didn't generate any revenue for her because we didn't land on them. I had nearly all my properties mortgaged at this point, so I never even got a foundation poured for my first house. And Matthew had begun to build houses and I thought he might hang in there, but we both found ourselves bankrupt. Way to go, Emily! Every day you teach us something new! 

One cute moment in our game happened when Matthew landed on one of my properties that was mortgaged. We explained that Matthew didn't have to pay because my deed was upside down. Emily, in her sweetness, ran over and said, "It's ok, Mommy. I'll turn it back over for you!"

Here is a photo of Emily enjoying her victory. Notice all of my properties mortgaged, and all of Matthew's properties mortgaged.

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