Thursday, April 7, 2011

RunAbe 2011

Matthew ran the Lincoln Presidential half marathon in Springfield last Saturday. It was a beautiful day for a run, and he set a new personal record! I am so proud of him! Matthew finished 59th overall. It was a thrill to see him finish with a new record time! At the finish, he had has picture taken with President Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln. And the highlight from the post-race was biscuits and gravy!! Here are some sights from the race.

Ready for the start

Abe giving and inspirational starting line speech

Mrs. President -- doesn't she look great for her age?

And, they're off!

Illinois State capitol building 
And, here he is at mile 2

A great finish!! Way to go, Matthew!

With a famous Springfield celebrity couple

Post-race reflection time. Actually, he was stretching, but he looks deep in thought!

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