Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fun with Flour

The girls have a favorite activity that is inexpensive and fun, and is a great substitute to the sandbox when the weather doesn't cooperate for us to be outside. We have a tub of flour that they play in. (Don't worry, I don't bake with the same tub of flour!) They have a few small wooden tractors and scoops to make tracks with, and like to bury one of them and then scoop them out. They seriously can play for over an hour in the white dust!! So, for all of you parents looking for cheap fun, grab an extra bag of flour the next time you are picking up groceries and let the fun begin!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to do this with Sofia. She likes to play with uncooked rice, but I have a feeling she might like the flour better.
