Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, America!!

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays. We take for granted the lives that were given years ago so we could enjoy freedoms that citizens of many other countries still don't enjoy. 

This year we celebrated with my family. On Sunday afternoon we drove to my parent's house and stayed overnight with my parents and sister and family. Early Monday morning, Matthew and I got up early to drive into Jacksonville for a 5k race at Nichols Park. Eli and I cheered while Matthew ran and had a great finish. Matthew had a good run despite the heat.

Dad grilled hot dogs, burgers and steaks for lunch. After lunch we visited my grandparents before meeting up with my sister and her family for fireworks. It has probably been 15 years since I watched Jacksonville fireworks and I had forgotten what a great fireworks display they always have. Amazingly, Eli slept through the entire display! It was fun to listen to Emily, Megan and Josiah "ooh" and "aah" at the fireworks, the way my siblings and I did when we were young. This long, fun day ended with a long drive home, and three exhausted children! 

We dipped patriotic strawberries!! Very easy, fun and delicious!
This is the start of the 5k race that Matthew ran at Nichols park in Macomb. There were over 280 participants and it was great to see so many people out having fun and getting exercise! 

Here is Matthew finishing the first lap. The race was 2 laps around the park.

Matthew finished 5th overall and won his age division. Way to go, Matthew!
Our patriotic Eli

Megan's patriotic pedicure!

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