Sunday, July 10, 2011

John Bliven Race in Macomb

Matthew has run a few local races this summer. One was the John Bliven race in Macomb. One thing that made the race memorable is that he had such a great cheering section for such a small race. Of course, Emily, Megan, Eli and I were there to cheer him on to the finish. Also, Kathy, Julie, Jeremy, Grant, Garrett, Jered, Rhett and Rachel showed up for the early morning start. Matthew had another great run. He had to come home to work on tile in the field while Emily, Megan, Eli and I stayed in Macomb for the Heritage Days parade (although I didn't get any photos of the parade).

Way to go, Matthew! (Matthew's next race is the Blandinsville Farmer's Picnic 4-mile run on August 13.)

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