Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cootie Time!!

Yesterday, Megan took a tractor trip with Matthew, which left Emily at home with me while Eli was napping. We both LOVE to play games so we decided to take advantage of this rare one-on-one time for a few games. First we played "Sorry." It was the closest finish to that game that I have EVER seen. We both had 3 pawns safely in Home and one pawn left. Emily was 2 spaces away from home with her last pawn; I was 3 spaces away. We drew card after card, racing to get the card we needed to finish the game. Finally, Emily drew a "2" card for the win! Then, curiously, she peeked at the next card in the draw pile; it was a "3," which was exactly what I needed! Although I love to win games, I am always secretly glad when she wins.

After Sorry, we played 2 rounds of every child's favorite game -- Cootie! We each took one round, which means that tonight we are obligated to play a third round to determine the "Queen of Cootie!"

Someone -- quick -- call the exterminator! We've got a bug problem here!

Emily took this photo. It appears they are square dancing. 

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