Saturday, October 22, 2011

Harvest 2011

cutting beans
Matthew hauling with the auger wagon. Actually, I think he was coming to the road to pick up his lunch in this photo. : )

Megan -- off for an afternoon of work with Daddy!

There's my favorite farmer! 

Jeffrey -- unloading on the auger wagon.

Emily gets her turn to ride with Daddy! What special times they have with their dad. He never minds the company, and they get quality one-on-one time!

Here is Eli, getting ready for his first turn in the combine with Daddy!

Eli was captivated by the corn stalks as they were sucked into the head of the combine. It was fun to watch him experience harvest for the first time, his little head scanning back and forth. I have a feeling next year, Emily and Megan will have even more competition for Daddy time in the field!

Thankfully, despite all the equipment repairs this year, our harvest is finished. The weather has been perfect for a speedy harvest. When it is all finished, I praise God for full bins and safety. God is good and his blessings are beyond abundance! The things we treasure most are not bought with money.

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