Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tour of the Macomb Fire Department

Recently we toured the Macomb Fire Department and learned fire safety. It was so educational, and the girls enjoyed getting an up-close view of the engines. Emily liked the beds in the firefighters' living quarters because they fold into the wall. Oooh, if the girls could have beds that fold into the walls they wouldn't have to make them each morning!! I was impressed with the automatic exhaust removal system (the yellow and black hose in the first photo). Megan's favorite part of the tour was the fire safety movie that we watched. Each family received a copy of the dvd so we can share fire safety with others! It has been a great safety tool to us!

The "Jaws of Life"

A "hide-a-bed!"

One of the moms dressed in full gear to demonstrate how much protective clothing these everyday heroes wear! Impressive that they can get so much equipment on in such a short period of time.

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