Thursday, October 6, 2011

We took off for a day of fun in Jacksonville, and when we had planned the day trip, we didn't realize how much was going on in Jacksonville that day! After eating lunch and playing at Community Park, we stopped by Old Threshers, where you can see old steam engines, tractors and farming equipment. It was so much fun, and we recommend the homemade ice cream! What a treat! Cruise night was also going on that evening, so we saw a lot of neat cars in town, but didn't stick around to watch them cruise Morton Avenue. Maybe next year we will!

Josiah gets his driving instructions!

Megan and her Case tractor.

Emily drove with Abe Lincoln! He gave her a shiny penny when she finished her drive.

Aunt Mary helped Megan handle that huge steering wheel! Thanks, Aunt Mary!

Entering the corn maze


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