Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gimme More Joy!!

Do you ever think that God is really trying to pound something in your head?? Well, everything I read lately, every sermon I hear, everything my mind dwells on seems to be screaming "JOY." This is an excerpt from a book by Becky Freeman entitled Lemonade, Laughter and Laid-Back Joy

In a fascinating book called Why We Do What We Do, I was astounded by a study focusing on the mental health of people who set their life goals around one (or all) of the three most popular extrinsic American values: money, fame and beauty. Interestingly, the researchers discovered that people who aim for these goals turned out to be mostly unhappy and suffering from a variety of mental distresses. But those who chose careers that emphasized intrinsic values such as meaningful relationships, personal growth, and reaching out to help others lived happier, healthier lives.

Jesus said,"He who loses his life for My sake will find it" (Matthew 10:30). It is in giving that we receive. Receive what? Money? Power? Prestige? No, the currency we're paid for doing meaningful work is joy. 

Even a subtle shift in perspective about the work we are already doing can make a huge difference in our satisfaction with life. If a full-time homemaker realizes that she's shaping the lives of her children, building a marriage to last a lifetime, making a haven for others in need of refreshment -- that what she does matters, and matters significantly -- it elevates her work to a new level. Energy and creativity flourish. Wiping noses, having coffee with a girlfriend, taking the kids to the park, even changing diapers become an art form -- if those activities are done with love, creativity and a sense of purpose.

If a man pumping gas or someone working behind a counter can see their job description as "encouraging and helping people" rather than tinckin' off hours on the clock just to bring home a buck, their "job" moves to the realm of "mission." When we take pride in doing a job well, no matter how menial it may seem -- "doing small tasks with great love" -- even mundane household chores can be an act of worship and joy. 

Ever take a look at Jesus' Earth-Job description? Born in an animal stall, the son of a carpenter, He would spend three homeless years in ministry: walking dusty roads, bringing good news, and healing the hurting. His destiny would be to die an excruciating death on a cross between two thieves in order to rise again, laugh at death, and invite us to join Him in eternity. The rich, the famous, the beautiful ways to success are most notably absent. And yet, was there ever a man more full of wisdom, joy and peace?

Jesus helped others catch a vision for how they could help spread His message. As one writer put it so well, "Jesus kept laying his hand on unlikely people saying, 'You are needed,' and so awakened in them a transforming respect for their own lives."

What creative work has God given you do do? 

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