Saturday, November 17, 2012

Our Trick-or-Treaters

I always love guessing what the girls want to be for Halloween. It is fun for them to dress up for a night and explore a character beyond themselves.

We don't visit many houses on our quest for goodies, but love to stop by a few houses of friends and family for visits. This year we also went to a trunk-or-treat in Macomb one evening. This year, to go along with our early American history lessons, Emily chose to be a native American. I am not joking when I say that she wore her costume every day for a week. That is how excited she was! I love that she is so interested in native American history.

Megan chose a cowgirl -- a very sparkling cowgirl in her sparkling hat and boots. She also loves dressing up and chases Emily around trying to capture her. So far, the keen survival skills and speed of the native American have been able to escape the creativity and persistence of the short "settler of the West." I am encouraging them to make a peace treaty as the pilgrims at Plimoth Plantation did with the Wampanoag tribe. : )

And Eli was Clark Kent. I wish I had a portable toddler-sized telephone booth as a prop. He had no idea what was going on, but loved visiting grandmas and aunts and uncles. And, of course, he didn't mind his sweet treats that he collected along the way. 

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