Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Emily!

I honestly cannot imagine life without Emily. She is everything I hoped she'd be when we first met her 9 years ago -- and more! She is fun and creative and caring and helpful and smart and adventurous. I could go on and on and on, but you get the point. We think she is pretty special. So, for 9 years that God has allowed us to be her parents, we are thankful! 

Here is Emily with her birthday "pancake." Somehow, this have become a tradition in our house and I honestly don't remember when it started. 

And her cake. She decided on a Halloween party, and requested brownies instead of a cake. So, this is her halloween birthday brownie!

She had her cousins and some friends over for her party, and here are all their cups lined up on the counter ready to be filled with lemonade and water!

Decorating was so easy this year. Cheap decorations from the dollar store added a little atmosphere and helped "haunt" our house.

We had pizza bagels, fresh vegetables, chips and salsa and fruit salad for supper. 

Some of the kids came in costume, and it was fun to see all the little characters!

Here is Emily opening cards.

And the highlight of the party was a slightly chilly hayrack ride. The kids had to stop and pick up 6 jars that contained instructions for them. Then we returned home for brownie cake.

Here are the kids doing jumping jacks during the hayrack ride.

There was a nearly full moon that lit our way back home.

I hope she enjoyed her birthday and her party. Thanks to family and friends that helped celebrate!

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