Saturday, April 27, 2013

Love and "H"

The girls are enjoying extra chores this year. We have two -- now three -- bottle calves. (I was informed this morning that we have a set of twins, so another calf soon will be joining our bottle-fed crew!) Matthew fixed up a pen in for them, since our blind calf is residing in the barn. It is great to have the girls take on the responsibility of feeding the calves twice a day. Here are a few shots of the two calves, Love and "H."

These two calves were born just a few days apart from each other. Love, the calf on the right, was born to a heifer who died. Bearded H, or "H" for short, was born via c-section to an old cow and "H" was several weeks premature. Thankfully, they are both strong, healthy and friendly!

The girls named this heifer "Love" because she has a heart-shaped marking on her forehead. With tears in their eyes, the girls told me that her mother left her heart with her young calf.

This is Megan with "H." He was named for the marking on his nose. Yes, that is our sweet Megan in a skirt and boots hanging out in a calf pen.

You can put a skirt on her, but you can't take the farmgirl out of her!!!

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