Monday, April 1, 2013

B-ville Easter Fun

The Red Hat ladies of Blandinsville always host a super-fun Easter egg hunt, and this year was no different. There was such a great turn-out and all the kids had a great time! 

Emily hunted eggs. Well, there isn't much hunting to it actually. I should say, Emily raced to pick up eggs. 

Megan decided to help Eli. He was completely uninterested in the colored plastic eggs that covered the ground. In fact, despite all our coaxing, he failed to pick up a single egg! 

However, he LOVED the barrel train. Special thanks to good buddy (and adopted older brother for an hour), Toby for riding the train with Eli over and over and over again! You saved me from squeezing into the barrel!! Where can we buy one of these trains to pull around the yard??? Hours of entertainment!!

The petting zoo was a hit too. The 3-week old lambs were the star attraction!

Check out these photos, and thanks to the Red Hat ladies and all those who helped in so many ways! 

Megan and Gianna

Emily LOVED feeding the lambs. Somehow, I have a feeling she'll be showing these in
4-H next year!!

Grace feeding the lamb.

Megan taking a turn with the bottle!

Josh and Toby (next photo) love the farm action too!

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